We help you
Studio Dojo is a trans-disciplinary strategy, design and innovation practice.
Upcoming Events
This session introduces the permacrisis, polycrisis, and metacrisis. We will explore the system dynamics and hidden incentives driving today’s complex, interconnected problems.
Tickets available now!
This is a 3-day hands-on, in-person workshop that delves into the messiness of sense-making. You will learn how to analyse and synthesise qualitative data through guided practice.
Registration now open!
Understanding Our Community’s Needs
At Studio Dojo, we often hear of people’s struggles in seeking or receiving support that addresses their needs. As we aspire for our community to be a harbour of support, we are first keen to hear from you, our community, on your experiences. When we know better, we can do better in supporting each other.
Our survey is now closed. We are currently analysing the inputs, stay tuned for our shareback soon!
Featured Projects
Studio Dojo launched a chat bot experiment over the month of March 2022. A BIG thank you to all of you for your interest and participation! We hope this experiment has sparked your interest in futures thinking and inspired you to reimagine your futures!
We embarked on a 6-month programme to discover deep insights on the perception of consumers and businesses towards sustainability. Find out about our journey as we embark on ways to engage them as sustainability partners!
What We Do
Latest Blog Posts

Unconventional Facilitation: Gamesercises
How We Work
Studio Dojo works at the intersection of four disciplines:
Futures Thinking
Provides the mindsets and skillsets to consider further into the future, and to readily simulate and explore multiple possible futures that may happen as a way to stretch creativity and question current assumptions.
Design Thinking
Provides mindsets and skillsets to empathise with people, reframe issues and turn intangible ideas into a concrete prototype to facilitate the creative process of answering a current issue.
Organisation Development
Taking into consideration the whole eco-system and how each group interacts with each other, OD is a critical mindset and skillset to have in order to scale any creative endeavour effectively.
Leadership Development
The smallest unit of change is the individual, and this is where Leadership Development brings perspectives around how to adapt, be creative and influential in the environment we find ourselves in.